Saturday, October 22, 2005

Free Saddam!

J.P. Jones, posting at BabbleFest, has a unique take on how to insure that Saddam gets justice:

Ramsey Clark and some of the other "human rights" activists are afraid Saddam Hussein won't get a fair trial.

Where were they when Saddam and his monstrous children were feeding people into the industrial plastic shredder? And murdering Iraqis by the thousands? And starving children to bribe UN officials and build palaces?

Ironically, one of their chief complaints is that the Special Tribunal isn't operating according to US criminal standards and applying the "beyond a reasonable doubt" burden of proof. Instead, the tribunal is operating according to Iraqi law, which provides for conviction if the judges are "satisfied" that the accused is guilty. The ironic part? That's the standard Saddam imposed on the Iraqi legal system, the same standard Saddam's judges used for thirty years.

So here's a thought: let's quit worrying about LEGAL formalities, and apply JUSTICE instead.


Set Saddam free. In broad daylight. In the town square of any Kurdish village he wants to pick.


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